Jesse Ray
Jesse Ray became a pastor at New Breed in July of 2022. He is married to Meagan, and they have one daughter, Wren. Jesse is a graduate of Boyce College with a focus in Biblical and Theological Studies. Jesse has a passion to see New Breed Church grow in health and spiritual maturity.
Michael Matala
Michael Matala joined the staff of New Breed in 2014 after serving as the Teaching Pastor of Portland Avenue Baptist Church. Michael is married to Alia, and together they have two daughters, Emory and Thea. Michael’s primary responsibilities are to lead New Breed Church by casting vision, and shepherding the church through teaching and preaching.
Michael McGilbra
Michael McGilbra joined the staff as a Pastor of New Breed in 2022 after serving as the Associate Pastor of Ralph Avenue Baptist Church. Michael is married to Tessa, and together they have two children, Aenias and Anisah. Michael is a graduate of Boyce College with a focus in Expository Preaching and Pastoral Care. Michael’s primary responsibilities are focused on pastoral support, evangelism and community outreach.